湖南长沙的黄恺是一位建筑工人,后来因为热爱音乐选择了到音乐餐厅做驻唱。此次他身穿简约的蓝色t恤和黑色牛仔裤,一首《Better man》唱出了他对真爱的盼望,演唱中他的奇特共鸣让哈林都觉得奇怪:“我以为他那个声音是碰运气,但他每次唱到的时候都有,好奇怪。”那英也忍不住发问“那个声音怎么发出来?”没想到黄恺也是懵懵懂懂:“我来到‘好声音’才发现自己有这种声音……”
这次在“好声音”的舞台上演唱《Better man》,黄恺说自己是为了兑现一个 ”我选这首歌主要是因为我女朋友,我们是大学同学,毕业前说咱们毕业了之后就结婚吧?但毕业后我们分隔两地,我也发现自己生活很困难,承担不起很多责任。经过了这么多年的拼搏、打拼,我觉得我现在可以为她一个更好的人,所以我希望……“黄恺的这番话让导师们纷纷猜想“好像有大事要发生”,果不其然,黄恺动情表白:“我现在口袋里装着一个很可爱的东西,想要送给她”,没想到居然有机会见证如此美事,四位导师差一点忘了这位学员还没选择导师,都坐不住了,那英激动地大呼“我们要去后台找你女朋友!”然后黄恺就在四位导师的陪同下,意气风发地冲向了后台。
黄恺《better man》MP3试听
黄恺《better man》中国好声音 MP3试听
黄恺《better man》_中国好声音_歌词
Send someone to love me.
I need to rest in arms.
Keep me safe from harm.
In pouring rain.
Give me endless summer.
Lord I fear the cold.
Feel Im getting old.
Before my time.
As my soul heals the shame.
I will grow through this pain.
Lord Im doing all I can.
To be a better man.
Go easy on my conscience.
Cause its not my fault.
I know Ive been taught.
To take the blame.
Rest assured my angels.
Will catch my tears.
Walk me out of here.
Im in pain.
As my soul heals the shame.
I will grow through this pain.
Lord Im doing all I can.
To be a better man.
Once Uve found that lover.
Ure homeward bound.
Love is all around.
Love is all around.
I know some have fallen on stony ground.
But Love is all around.
Send someone to love me.
I need to rest in arms.
Keep me safe from harm.
In pouring rain.
Give me endless summer.
Lord I fear the cold.
Feel Im getting old.
Before my time.
As my soul heals the shame.
I will grow through this pain.
Lord Im doing all I can.
To be a better man.